United Nations Peacekeeping Forces Mission
Note: We support and give full support to our beloved State of Israel and our beloved American homeland USA, in the fight against terrorism from countries that try to implement their unjust laws against humanity, and against the terrorist policy of the UN. May God bless America and the State of Israel.
Obs: Apoiamos e damos total suporte ao nosso amado Estado de Israel e a Nossa Amada Patria Americana USA, na luta contra o terrorismo dos Países que tentam implantar suas injustas leis contra a humanidade, e contra a politica terrorista da UN. Que Deus Abençoe América e o Estado de Israel.
The AMERICAN PATRIOTIC MILITARY FEDERATION was founded in 1889 and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. APMF is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and promoting education to our future generations. APMF members volunteer untold hours of service each year in their local communities. APMF is very active in assisting veterans. We proudly assist teachers with living history interpreters, lesson planning materials and reenactment events for school aged youth to attend.
As one of the largest male societies in the country, APMF boasts tens of thousands of active members in over 550 chapters across the United States and internationally. Any male 18 years or older-regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background-who can prove blood lineal descent from a patriot of the American Citizen, is eligible for membership. We were on the razor’s edge in allowing DNA results to be used to prove descent for those with unclear roots. APMF National Headquarters houses one of the nation’s premier genealogical libraries. NSSAR is a Congressionally Chartered Organization and is exempt from Federal income taxes under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
We seek to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, patriotism and respect for our national symbols, including but not limited to promoting pride in being American citizens and the unifying force of e pluribus unum. In 1876, there were many celebrations to commemorate the centennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. As part of this patriotic fervor, a group of men in the San Francisco, California, area who were descendants of patriots involved in the American Revolution, formed an organization called the Sons of Revolutionary Sires. Their objective was to have a fraternal and civic society to salute those men and women who pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to the battle for independence from Great Britain. The Sons of Revolutionary Sires desired to keep alive their ancestors’ story of patriotism and courage in the belief that it is a universal one of man’s struggle against tyranny – a story which would inspire and sustain succeeding generations when they would have to defend and extend our freedoms.
Out of the AMERICAN PATRIOTIC MILITARY FEDERATION , which was organized on July 04, 1889, the one hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington as our nation’s first president. We have used the acronym to identify ourselves for over one hundred years. The APMF was conceived as a fraternal and civic society composed of lineal descendants of the patriots who wintered at Valley Forge, signed the Declaration of Independence, fought in the battles of the American Revolution, served in the Continental Congress, or otherwise supported the cause of American Independence. The National Organization was chartered by an Act of the United States Congress on June 9, 1906. The charter was signed by President Theodore Roosevelt, who was also a member of the Empire State Society, APMF. The charter authorizes the granting of charters to societies of the various states and territories and authorizes the state-level societies to charter chapters within their borders. United States Code TITLE 36 USC then established a federal charter for the National Federation, APMF.