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Somos um braço  da . Nosso propósito é lutar pelos direitos humanos e pela paz mundial, trabalhamos em cooperação com governos, igrejas, sinagogas, movimentos médicos e estudantis.
Desde que começamos nosso trabalho no local de trabalho, o Corpo de Missão Médica das Nações Unidas ajudou dezenas de milhões de pessoas em mais de 70 países, prestando socorro de emergência e treinamento avaliado em mais de milhões de pessoas.
Como socorristas proeminentes, fornecemos socorro de emergência muitas vezes em poucas horas para aqueles atingidos por desastres, não importa onde estejam, não importa as condições. Nossas equipes responderam a uma lista de chamadas de grandes crises por mais de 20 anos, incluindo América do Sul, Afeganistão, Ruanda, Balcãs, Darfur, Haiti, Japão, Iraque, Síria, Filipinas, África Ocidental e Nepal. Em muitos desses lugares nós permanecemos, ajudando comunidades ao longo do caminho do alívio à autossuficiência.

A Missão do Corpo Médico das Nações Unidas apóia aqueles em mais de 40 países que são atingidos pela adversidade, trabalhando com eles para se recuperar, reconstruir e adquirir as habilidades e ferramentas para se tornarem autossuficientes.
Nós ajudamos aqueles que estão nos países mais pobres do mundo, muitas vezes em parceria com líderes nacionais e locais, para fornecer melhores cuidados de saúde e serviços relacionados em comunidades vulneráveis ​​que procuram construir uma vida melhor para seu povo.
Estamos lá para ajudar centenas de milhares de deslocados, muitos dos quais perderam tudo e sobrevivem agarrando-se a tudo o que resta: esperança. Estamos lá também para aqueles que enfrentam emergências menos visíveis, mas igualmente agudas, como desnutrição, falta de água potável ou um parto complicado. Trabalhamos com agências parceiras e líderes locais para fornecer uma ampla gama de serviços, muitas vezes com foco em crianças e mulheres com programas que melhoram a saúde e nutrição materno-infantil, atendem às necessidades psicossociais e previnem a violência de gênero.
Assim que as necessidades urgentes forem atendidas, ajudamos as comunidades em áreas propensas a crises a se prepararem com antecedência para resistir a desastres, caso ocorram.

Country City Last Name First Name Specialty Address WorkPhone Fax Number Email AFGHANISTAN JALALABAD ALAM Mohammad Ismail Int. Med. & Card. Dr. M. Ismail Alam Private Clinic, Arab Street, Near Spinghar Hotel 3419 Not provided AFGHANISTAN MAZAR-I-SHARIF SHAHIM Abdul Baqi Not provided Balkh Hospital Not provided Not provided ALBANIA TIRANA KACI th Internal Medicine & Pediatrics ABC Health Foundation Rruga "Qemal Stafa", Nr. 260, Tirana, Albania 355 (0)4 2234 105 (3554) 259934 ALBANIA TIRANA SELMANI Edvin Orthopedic & Trauma Surgeon Salus Hospital Rruga Vidhe Gjata 16, Mëzez-Kashar, Autostrada TRDR, Tirana, Albania 355 4 2390500 ALBANIA TIRANA HERIBASI Blerina Rheumatology Rruga 3 Dëshmorët, Yzberish, Kashar, Tirana (+355) 068 60 47 561 ALBANIA TIRANA LINDERMAN Charles General Practice Medical Response for the Diplomatic Corps (MRDC) Hygeia Hospital Mbikalimi i Kamzës, MëzezFushë 1051, Tirana, Albania 355 (0) 407 2392 ALGERIA ALGIERS ABROUS MESSAR Roneida General Practice Clinique medico diagnostic du val lot 11 decembre val d’hydra 551118218 21946687 ALGERIA ALGIERS GUECHI Nadjiba General Practice 28 rue Mohamed Chabani,Alger (213) 21 23 83 07 ALGERIA ALGIERS GHENIM Reda General Practice 7, rue Henri Dunant (ex. Mulhouse) (213) 02 72 63 53 Not provided ALGERIA ALGIERS HARDI Hakim Emergency Medicine Sappl-mb Zone industrielle Rouiba (213) 660 849 989 ALGERIA ALGIERS BENGUETTAT Zineddine General Practice 32 Chemin DRARENI, Hydra, Alger (213) 23 47 25 29 ALGERIA TINDOUF DJAKANI Mustapha General Practice Tindouf (213) 661 27 83 67 ALGERIA TINDOUF DJILLALI Djillali General Practice Cabinet Medical, Hai Moussani, Tindouf 00213-62-309442 00213-4992-3618 ANGOLA LUANDA DO CARMO FILHO Caleonario General Medicine Climed Servicos de Saude, Lda Alameda Principe Real, 65/67, Miramar, Luanda, R. Angola 244 222443514/ 44336 (244) 923283848 ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES MARINANSKY Cynthia Irene Geriatrics Junin 969, piso 2B, Ciudad de Buenos Aires 5411 4962 9692 ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES PEREZ CHADA Roberto Daniel Pulmonary Medicine Marcelo T. De Alvear 2420 19, Hospital Universitario Austral presidente Person 1500 (54 1) 4962 4705 (54 11) 4962 1292 ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES VILCHES Ricardo Antonio Int. Med. & Nephr. Av. Quintana 255, Piso 1"B" Capital Federal (541) 4 812 2733 (541 4) 815 1145 ARMENIA YEREVAN MAMIKONYAN Narine Internal Medicine & Cardiology 21 Paronyan str. (374 10) 520099 (374 10) 536622 not provided ARMENIA YEREVAN TERMENJYAN Sona Pediatry Family Medicine 60 Abovyan street. Yerevan, Armenia (374) 60 621419 Not provided AUSTRIA VIENNA AHMED Binta Medical Officer Joint Medical Service, UNIDO, IAEA, Vienna Intl. Center, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria (43 1) 2600 22225 (43 1) 2600 29304 AUSTRIA VIENNA KUBBINGA Elizabeth Senior Med. Officer Joint Medical Service, UNIDO, IAEA, Vienna Intl. Center, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria (43 1) 2600 22225 (43 1) 2600 29304 AUSTRIA VIENNA LADEMANN Matthias Medical Director Joint Medical Service, UNIDO, IAEA, Vienna Intl. Center, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria (43 1) 2600 22225 (43 1) 2600 29304 AZERBAIJAN BAKU BILAUDARLI Lala Pediatric 30 R. Belibuolev street 99450-310-0768 99412-493-9644 lala.bilandarli@internationalso AZERBAIJAN BAKU JAFAROVA Sevda Pediatric 45 U Hajibayov 99455-4444911 99412-4987096 BAHAMAS NASSAU GRANT-TAYLOR Ilsa Internal Medicine Renal House, West Bay & Saunders P.O. Box N-9936 1-242-322-6952 BAHAMAS NASSAU BAIN Darius Family Medicine 111 Sandyport Plaza, Nassau Bahamas 1-242-677-9355 BAHAMAS NASSAU WALKINE Franklin, W. Not provided Epcot Medical Centre, 83 Collins Avenue, P.O. Box N4302 (242) 322 1178 Not provided BAHRAIN MANAMA AL-ZAN Ali Ahmed Internal Medicine International Hosp. Of Bahrain, 1140 Budayyi Highway, Jidd Hafs 420, P.O. Box 1084 (973) 591666 (973) 590495 BAHRAIN MANAMA MISHRIKI M.S. General Practice International Hosp. Of Bahrain, 1140 Budayyi Highway, Jidd Hafs 420, P.O.Box 1084 (973) 253447 (973) 234194 BAHRAIN MANAMA PARNANDI Richardson General Practice The American Mission Hosp., 133 Sheikh Isa Al-Kabir Avenue, P.O. Box 1 (973) 253447 (973) 234194 BAHRAIN MANAMA PIRLOT Denis Tropical Medicine The American Mission Hosp., 133 Sheikh Isa Al-Kabir Avenue, P.O.Box 1 (973) 253447 (973) 234194 BANGLADESH BARISAL HOSSAIN Anwar Internal Medicine Bangla Medical College Hospital 196 138 6550 m BANGLADESH BARISAL NAHID Akter Gynaecology and Obstetrics GSher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital 171 652 1577 BANGLADESH COX'S BAZAR HUSSAIN Md. Farhad Internal Medicine Doctors Chamber, Panzabar Road, Cox's Bazar 00 880 1794342467 BANGLADESH CHITTAGONG HOSSAIN Md Amir Internal Medicine CSCR (Centre for Specialized Care and Research) Private Limited 1675/A or Nizam Road, Panchlaish 031-2550625, 031-2557801-10 031-2550631 BANGLADESH CHITTAGONG SHAHENA Akter Gynaecology and Obstetrics CSCR (Centre for Specialized Care and Research) Private Limited 1675/A or Nizam Road, Panchlaish 031-2550625, 031-2557801-10 031-2550631 BANGLADESH DHAKA MUNWAR Shams Cardiology Apollo Hospital, Bashundhara Residential Area, Dhaka 1229 (880) 189 221 828 (mobile) shams.munwar@apollodhaka. com BANGLADESH DHAKA ANIS Reyan Cardiology Labaid Cardiac Hospital Not provided Not provided BANGLADESH DHAKA BEGUM Afsana Internal 'Medicine United Hospital Ltd., Plot 15, Road 71, Gulshan, Dhaka, 1212 01819 503771 BANGLADESH DHAKA HOSSAIN Md. Iqbal Internal 'Medicine United Hospital Ltd., Plot 15, Road 71, Gulshan, Dhaka, 1212 880 191 400 1265 BANGLADESH KHULNA ROY Paritosh Medicine and Cardiology Akij Medical College and Hospital, Boyna, Khulna, Bangladesh 041 285 13 11 041 285 1098 BANGLADESH KHULNA RASHID Mamun Internal Medicine 250 Beded Shaheeb Sheikh Abu Naser Specialized Hospital Khulna 01 727 01 21 90 BANGLADESH RAJSHAHI HASSAN Tarik Mohammad Internal Medicine Room No. 211, Popular Diagnostic Centre, Laxmipur 171 216 7593 BANGLADESH RAJSHAHI NAHER NazmIn Gynaecology and Obstetrics Gynaecology & Obstetrics Ward, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital 1711 86 6112 Not provided BANGLADESH RAJSHAHI SAYEED Zahidus Cardiology Ward 26, department of Cardiology, Rajshahi Medical College 171 882 4627 BANGLADESH RANGPUR SHARKAR Devendra Nath Internal Medicine Apollo Diagnostic Centre, Dhap Jail Road Mobile: 088-01819986616 BANGLADESH RANGPUR SARKAR Haripada Cardiology Seba Pathological Centre, Dhap Jail Road 181 650 1108 BANGLADESH RANGPUR LUCKY Sharmin Sultana Gynaecology and Obstetrics Sun Diagnostic Center, Dhap 052166189 or 01558383713 BANGLADESH SYLHET ALAM M.M. Jahangir Internal Medicine Vill.- Motkirchar, PO.- Ghorashal Madrasha, PS.- Muradnagar, Dist.-Comilla 8801713206265 BANGLADESH SYLHET BARI Shafiqul Not provided Department of Medicine, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Sylhet, Bangladesh 880 1726948138 BANGLADESH SYLHET KASHEM Md. Abul Internist Medinova Medical Services, Medical College Road, Kajal Shah, Sylhet, Bangladesh `+8801758768650 BANGLADESH SYLHET HOSSAIN Mohammed Delwar Respiratory and Internal Medic IBN-e-Sina Hospital Ltd., Sobhanighat, Sylhet, Bangladesh `+8801713301523 BARBADOS BRIDGETOWN BASCOMBE Avril General Practicioner One Accord Plaza, Warrens, St. Michael 12464218511 BARBADOS BRIDGETOWN GAY Jeffrey General Practice 49 Warrens Business Centre, Warrens Industrial Park, St. Michael 12464252099 BARBADOS BRIDGETOWN KING Stephen General Practice Dinkryst Medical Centre, Britton Hill, St. Michael BB14027 12464308970 BARBADOS BRIDGETOWN IRVINE Anne Marie General Practice 42 Millfield Road, Grand View Cliffs, St. George Barbados 12464265051 ext. 1 BARBADOS BRIDGETOWN HOYOS Michael D. Anaesthesia Elcourt Clinic, Maxwell Road, Christ Church (246) 428 9452 (246) 420 8870 BARBADOS BRIDGETOWN MORRIS Euclid Family & Occupational Medicin Medical Associates Family Clinic Warrens Healthcare Complex #4 Warrens St. Michael (246) 271-0770 or 0771 (246) 271-0772 medassocfamilyclinic@hotmai BARBADOS WORTHING JACOBS Carol Elizabeth Family Practice Carleigh House, Golf Club Road, Christ Church (246) 435 6635 (246) 435 6635 BELARUS MINSK TATUR Olga General Practice Makaenka Str.,17 (375) 29 635 1559 Not provided BELARUS MINSK PODOLSKY Vyacheslav Surgery/Oncology Masherov Ave., 26 (375)297-501489 Not provided BELARUS MINSK STRYZHAK Mikhail Family Practice/Pedia Yakubovskogo., 53 (375)17 257 7491 Not provided BELGIUM BRUSSELS DELBEKE Isabelle Medical Officer Commission of the European Union, Medical Service, Avenue d'Auderghem, 19, B1049-Brussels 00-32-2-295.39.06 00-32-2-295.06.21 BELGIUM BRUSSELS DOLMANS Serve Medical Advisor Commission of the European Union, Medical Service, Avenue d'Auderghem, 19, B1049-Brussels 00-32-2-295.39.06 00-32-2-295.06.21 BELGIUM BRUSSELS VAN DE WERVE Charlotte Medical Officer Travel Clinic Hopital St. Pierre, Avenue Reine Fabiola, 9, B1340 Ottignies-Louvain-laNeuve 00-32-10-43.73.70 Not provided BELIZE BELIZE CITY HILDAGO Jorge Internal Medicine Belize Healthcare Partners 2237872 Not provided BELIZE BELIZE CITY BRADLEY Eric Internal Medicine, Diabetology 5791 St. Thomas Street (501) 223 0303 Not provided BELIZE BELIZE CITY CUELLAR Fernando Antonio Internal Medicine 5791, St. Thomas St (501) 223 0302-4 / (501) 223 1261 / (501) 610 3540 (mobile) (501) 2231261 BELIZE BELMOPAN WILLIAMS Randa Internal Medicine Garden City Medical Center, Slim Lane, Belmopan City (501) 674 7259 BELIZE BELMOPAN BARBON FELLLOVE Norlan Internal Medicine 23 Belize Street, Belmopan City 501-822-2379 BELIZE BELMOPAN CHIN Deborah Gen. Pract. Belmopan Medical Centre Garbutt Creek St.Ext. (501) 822-3179 (501) 822-3179 belmopanmedicalcentre@gma BENIN COTONOU ALIHONOU Eusebe Trop. Med. & Gyn. Clinique Universitaire de Gynecologie, B.P. 1822 (229) 30 13 01 (229) 30 12 88 BENIN COTONOU ASSANI Marie Noelle Gen. Pract. Polyclinique "Les Cocotiers", 04 BP 1227 (229) 30 14 20 (229) 30 12 76 BENIN COTONOU CAUDRON-TIDJANI Anne-Marie Gen. & Trop. Med. Carré 337-338 Maro-Militaire, 03 BP 2898, Jericho (229) 31 56 34 (229) 32 11 70 BENIN COTONOU JOHNSON Philippe Gen. Pract. Clinique "Les Graces", 01 BP 426 (229) 32 11 71 Not provided BENIN COTONOU ZOHOUN Theophile Not provided Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire, BP 1822 (229) 301769/300656 Not provided BENIN PARAKOU ZINFLOU Adelaide Not provided Clinique Médico-Chirurgicale, B.P. 344 (229) 610344 Not provided BENIN PARAKOU ZINFLOU Irené Adolphe Not provided Clinique Médico-Chirurgicale, BP 344 (229) 610344 Not provided BENIN PORTO-NOVO TIDJANI-SERPOS Moussa Gen. Pract. c/80 Cachi Boulevard circulaire, 01 BP 21 (229) 22 28 83 (229) 22 51 26 BENIN TANGUIETA PRIULI Gianbattista Trop. Med. Hopital St. Jean de Dieu, B.P. 7 (229) 83 00 11 (229) 83 00 10 BHUTAN THIMPU SHARMA Ballab Int. Med. Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (9752) 322 620 (9752) 325 384 BHUTAN THIMPHU BHAKTA RAJ Giri Internal Medicine Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (9752) 322 620 (9752) 325 384 BHUTAN THIMPHU WANGDI Tashi General Medicine Jigme Dorji, wangchuck, National Refferal Hospital 9752-322-620 (9752) 325 385 BHUTAN THIMPHU YONTEN Dupto Obst. & Gyn. Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital (9752) 322 496/7 (9752) 325 384 BOLIVIA LA PAZ ESCALERA RIVERO María Lourdes del Rosario Internal Medicine Clínica AMID, Claudio Sanjinés Nº 1558 entre Av. Saavedra y Francisco de Miranda, Miraflores (591) 777 89985 (591) 777 89978; BOLIVIA LA PAZ MALDONADO BAKOVIC Ana María Family Medicine CONSULTORIOS AESCULAPIUS, Calle 21 #8325 – Edificio Torres piso 1 (591) 77210372 (591-2) 2795652 (591-2) 2799798 .com BOLIVIA LA PAZ CASTELLANOS HOCHKOFLER Hug Alberto General Practice Av. Fuerza Naval 1725, La Paz 277-2030 Not provided BOLIVIA LA PAZ DURAN MOLLINEDO Mauricio Javier Internal Medicine Calle 27-A, #100, Alto Calacoto 279-5055,279-0917 not provided BOLIVIA LA PAZ SEMPERTEGUI Cinthya Cardiology Avenida Arce, Esq. pasaje Cordero #156 Edif. El Escorial #109 (591)22434863 (591)22434852 BOLIVIA SANTA CRUZ SAAVEDRA QUINTANILLA Juan Internal Medicine 200 Ejercito National Avenue (03) 353 8899 (03) 353 8811 BOLIVIA Cochabamba Cartagena Karina Gastroenterology Av Melchor Perez, Olivo's Clinic # 55 591-72255557 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BIHAC IBRAHIMPAŠIĆ-SERDAREVIĆ Maida Internal Medicine Put V korpusa bb, 77 000 Bihać 0038737 312 423 0038737 312 421, 312 414 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO IBRAHIMPASIC Elma Occupational Medicine JU Zavod za medicinu rada Kantona Sarajevo (Public Institution Institute for Occupational Medicine of Canton Sarajevo) Bulevar Meše Selimovića 2, 71000 Sarajevo 387 33 720 186 00387 33 773 041 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO DINAREVIC Senka Pediatrics FRA ANDELA ZVIZDOVICA 1, 71001 00387 33 296 372 00387 33 773 041 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO TIRO Naida Neuropsychiatry FRA ANDELA ZVIZDOVICA 1, 71002 00387 33 296 382 Not provided BOTSWANA FRANCISTOWN MOMPATI K. Frederick General Practice P.O. Box 1222 (267 21) 212518 (267 21) 214988 BOTSWANA GABORONE FREEMAN Stephen Family Practice P.O. Box 402368 (267 31) 371882 (267 31) 371883 BOTSWANA GABORONE LETSUNYANE T.J.S. General Practice P.O. Box 348 (267 31) 351743 (267 31) 353193 BOTSWANA GABORONE MASHALABA N.N. General Practice P.O. Box 1646 (267 31) 326941 (267 31) 326475 BOTSWANA GABORONE SELIGMANN K. Int. and Trop. Medicine Botswana Adventist Medical Services, 3132 Kgalagadi Way, Box 759 (267 31) 352727 (267 31) 312403 BOTSWANA GABORONE THE HOSPITAL SUPERINTENDENN one Not provided Princess Marina Hospital, P.O.Box 258 (267 31) 353221 (267 31) 373776 BRAZIL BAHIA KRUSCHEWSKY Leonardo General Surgeon 1 – office one - avenida professor magalhães neto, centro médico hospital da bahia, clinca proface, sala 6016, numero 1541, pituba, cep 41810011, 2 – office number two - rua ponciano oliveira, 157, ed. Garibaldi empresarial, rio vermelho centro médico cardiopulmonar, cep 40170130, 3 – office number 3 – rua joão gomes numero 225, clinica amo, rio vermelho, cep 41950640, 4 – office number 4 – centro médico aliança da bahia,avenida juracy magalhães junior, 2096, rio vermelho 55-71-33594843 5571-991063420

Dr. Roberto Cohen Neurosurgeon and Neurobiomolecular Medicine

Address: Rua Monte Gordo 412 - Inocoop - Camaçari Bahia Cep: 42809382. Phone: +55 (71) 98701 - 9964. Web:

BRAZIL BAHIA CRUZ Anna Occupational Health R. Ewerton Visco, Edificio Boulevard Side, 290, Caminho, das Arvores, Salvador - BA 41820-022 (55 71) 9 9948-1789 'Not provided BRAZIL BELEM GOMES Rodolfo Souto Ataide Occupational Medicine Rua Municipalidade, 985 - Edifício Mirai Office, Sala 1114, Belém-PA, 66050-350 (5591) 985975179 BRAZIL BELEM RODRIGUES Glauce Community & Family Medicine Av. Romulo Maiorana 700, Sala 1310, Edificio Vitta Office, Belem, Para - 66093672 (5591) 992595757 glaucemedicinapersonalizada BRAZIL PALMAS LESSA Thiara Otolaringology (ENT) & Family M Ed. Espaco Medico Empresarial, Business room 802. Av. teotonio Segurado, Quadrea 401 Sul, Conjunto 1, Lote 1 s/n - Plano Director Sul Palmas - TO, 77015-550 (55 63) 41418008 / 981068008 'Not provided BRAZIL BOA VISTA (RR) SOUZA Joel Infectologist, Infection Disease Rua Alfredo Cruz, 1057 – Bairro Centro . Boa Vista –RR, Cep. : 69301.140 +55 (95) 3224.6484 'Not provided BRAZIL BOA VISTA (RR) SIQUEIRA Alisson Cardiology and Ecography Rua Cecília Brasil, 869, Centro, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brasil. CEP 69.301-080 55 (95) 98121-1012 Not provided BRAZIL BRASILIA SANTOS NETO Leopoldo Internal Medicine RHEUMA - Clinica Geral LTDA. SHLS 716 Bloco E Salas 501/502 (55 61) 3245 3275 / 3245 1966 / 3245 1875 'Not provided BRAZIL BRASILIA DE MOURA JUNIOR Jose Evoide Internal Med. & Epidemiology SEPS 710 - Centro Clínico Vital Brasil, Torre B Sala 246 Asa Sul - Brasília / DF (55 61) 8128 7988 'Not provided BRAZIL BRASILIA LAKHOARI Sabri Internal. Medicine & Geriatrics Cronos Clinic - SEPS 705/905, Build C, Montblanc, room 511, Zip Code: 70.390-055 5561 3244-4995 Not provided BRAZIL BRASILIA GRISOLIA Danielle Infectious Disease "Planaltina Regional Hospital - AV, ST. Hospitalar QD 01 - Planaltina, Brasilia - DF, Zip Code: 73,310-000 Oncotek, SEPS Qd 705/905 - Brasilia-DF, Zip Code: 70.390- 055" 5561 2010-1350, 1254 Not provided Not Provided BRAZIL BRASILIA ANDRADE Joyce Infectious Disease SGAS 915 - Advance 02, Quality Clinic, Brasilia - DF 5561 3346-2190 Not provided Not Provided BRAZIL FORTALEZA NEGREIROS DE ANDRADE Pedro Gen. Pract. & Card. Av Santos dumont 5753 Sala 708,Cocó (Torre ao Mateu) Fortaleza - CE (55 85) 3261 4043 (55 85) 3265 8265 Not provided BRAZIL MANAUS ABDALLA SANTOS Joao Hugo Infectology Hospital Adventista de Manaus (HAM) Avenida Governador Danilo de Matos Areosa, numero 139 - Distrito Industrial 1, cep: 69075-351 +55(92) 2123-1311 Not provided BRAZIL PORTO ALEGRE ACHUTTI Aloysio Gen. Pract. & Card. Av. Borges de Medeiros, 2500 - Ed. Prime Offices Shopping Praia de Belas, Sala 1005. Bairro Praia de Belas, CEP 90110-150 Porto Alegre – RS (55 51) 3225-7090 (55 51) 9966-1625 (55 51) 3233-3579 'Not provided BRAZIL PORTO ALEGRE KANTER Flavio José Internal Medicine and Cardiolog Rua Dona Laura 207, 306. Porto Alegre/RS Zip Code: 90430091 (55 51) 33319025 (55 51) 993149131 BRAZIL RECIFE MARQUES Silvio Romero Gen. Surg. & Angiol. Av. Agamenon Magalães, 4760 - 7o andar - Ed. Garagem José Maria Matos, Sala 8 RIVER - Inst. de Cirurgia Vascular Endovascular do Recife, CEP: 52010-040 Recife-PE (55 81) 3416 1332 (55 81) 9974 2426 (55 81) 9647 2885 Not provided BRAZIL RECIFE CARVALHO Marcos Internal Medicine & Geriatrics R. das Fronteiras, 127 - Boa Vista, Recife - PE, 50070-170. Hospital Memorial São José - Centro Médico 01 +55 (81) 3221.3100 | +55 81 9.98960-8010 | +55 81 9.92866434 'Not provided BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO TELLES Igor Internal Medicine Two Offices: 1) Av. Jorge Curi 550 sala 255 America's Medical City, Barra da Tijuca 2) Rua Visconde dePiraja 414sala 306 Ipanema (55 21) 3444-5610 (Barra da Tijuca) (55 21) 2521-2232 (Ipanema) (55 21) 3444-5610 (Barra da Tiju BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO MOSCAVITCH Samuel Datum General Practice & Cardiology ( Rua Visconde de Piraja 414, Sala 306 Ipanema (55 21) 2287-4743 (55 21) 2521-2232 (55 21) 99627-6362 'Not provided BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO BENAZZI Moacir Gen. Practicioner, Endocrinolog Casa de Saude e Maternidade Santa Ines, Rua Nilo Vieira 265, Duque de Caxias (55 21) 2671 1915 (55 21) 2671 1551 Not provided BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO BUESCU Alexandru Gen. Pract. & Endocr Rua Barao de Lucena 48, 2o andar, Sala 7, Botafogo (55 21) 2527 3477 'Not provided BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO KAISER Sergio Cardiology Visconde da Silva Street, 52, Room 605 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ 5521 999881772 'Not provided BRAZIL SAO PAULO MORIOKA Cintia 'Gen. Surg., Internal Med., Gas Rua Itapeva, 202, cj 97, Bela Vista 55-11-2293-2362 or 55-11- 99009-3905 55-11-3081-1339 m BRAZIL SAO PAULO MOTT Carlos de Barros Gen. Pract. & Gastr. Instituto de Medicina Especializada e de Gastroenterologia, IMEG Administração de Consultórios Ltda. Rua Iguatemi, 192 3º andar - Itaim Bibi (55 11) 3168 5311 or (55 11) 3071 1025 (55 11) 3168 5311 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS TORTOLA SMITH Daniel Not provided P.O. Box 689, Road Town (809) 494 3330 Not provided BULGARIA SOFIA ALEKSIEV Lyubomir Internal Medicine Military Medical Academy 3, Georgy Sofiisky Blvd., 1606, Sofia, Bulgaria (+359 2) 92 250 52 (+359 2) 952 65 36/ 92 253 98 BULGARIA SOFIA GORANOV Krassimir Neurology Medical Center "Dr. I.S. Greenberg", 80 Malinov Blvd, Mladost 2, Sofia AND 23-A, Kopenhagen Blvd, Drujba, Sofia (+359 2) 97 448 16 (+359 2) 97 129 95 BULGARIA SOFIA MAVROMATIS Trias Internal Medicine Tokuda Medical Center, 1407 Sofia, 51B N. Vaptsarov Blvd (+359 2) 403 4000 (+359 2) 403 4010 BULGARIA SOFIA PANDIEVA Silvia Internal Medicine Medical Center "Dr. I.S. Greenberg", 80 Malinov Blvd, Mladost 2, Sofia (+359 2) 97 448 16 +(359 2) 97 129 95 BURKINA BOBO-DIOULASSO SAWADOGO Adrien Bruno Int. Med. Centre hospitalier national Sanon Souro, BP 676 (226) 970044/45 (226) 972693 BURKINA OUAGADOUGOU NIAKARA Ali Cardiology Centre médical Camp de l' Unité or Clinique Notre Dame de la Paix, Secteur 24 (226 50) 340791 / 356153/ 70 236862 (226 50) 357740 BURKINA OUAGADOUGOU FOFANA Mohamed General Practice & Gyn. UN Dispensary, 01 BP 575 (226 50) 306762 (226 50) 310470 BURKINA OUAGADOUGOU OUEDRAOGO Jean-Baptiste Internal. Medicine 01 BP 5 666 (226 50) 356153/55 (226 50) 356157 BURUNDI BUJUMBURA NINTERETSE Gervais Gynaecology 62 Avenue Patrice Lumumba, BP 1712 (257) 221895 Not provided BURUNDI BUJUMBURA NTAREME François Gen. Pract. & Paed 1 Avenue ONU, Rohero I, BP 1510 (257) 24 18 98 Not provided CAMBODIA BATTAMBANG KUN Ung Phal Int. Med. #B27, Kamkor Pailin Road (route Nationale #57), Svay Por, Battambang City 012 757 464 or 099 999 606 or Not provided CAMBODIA PHNOM PENH SOPHAL Nao Korn Emergency Medicine "Royal Phnom Penh Hospital, No. 888, Rusian Blvd, Teuk Thla, Phnom Penh, Cambodia." +855 23 991 000 CAMBODIA PHNOM PENH GAREN Jean Claude General Practice Naga clinic #11, Street 254 023 211 300 / 011 811 300 / Mobile: 012767505 / 015916413 023 364127 CAMBODIA PHNOM PENH REGINO-MANAMPAN Marissa General Practice, Pediatrics & O Community & Family Medical Clinic, #262-B, Street 63 023217349 / Mobile: 012803610 Not provided CAMBODIA PHNOM PENH NARA Leng Internal Medicine and Cardiolog # 327 Boulevard NORODOM, Khan Chamkar Mon, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA 023 214 537 / Mobile: 012782567 Not provided CAMBODIA PHNOM PENH MANEECHOTE Rattanamanee Emergency Medicine Royal Phnom Penh Hospital No. 888, Russian Confederation Blvd. Sangkat Toek Thla, Khan Sem Sok 023 991 000 023 986 992 info@royalphnompenhhospita CAMBODIA SIHANOUKVILLE KIM HOUR Lik Emergency Medicine Borei Kamakor, Sihanoukville, Cambodia 034 93 6666 034 93 6888 CAMEROON Yaounde Marie- NicoleTAMBA OBAMA Psychotherapie NPS Conseils 75 02 78 54/ 22 00 80 76 CAMEROON Yaounde Martine TCHUEM TCHUENTE- NOUTCHOGOUIN CardiologieMedecine Interne Cabinet Medical LAMAT 77 77 70 77I 99 9117 98 22 21 28 40 CAMEROON Yaounde Martin ONDOA MEKONGCl Pediatrie H6pital General CAMEROON Yaounde David TAGNI ZUKAM lmagerieMedicale Centre Medical Ia Cathedrale 77 70 95 54/ 22 20 36 78 CAMEROON Yaounde Mich le TAGNI ZUI. c.. CtJI\ rn\.t. \1"1 II'J.U 1t> CAMEROON Yaounde ESSA-EFFILA/EBE- EVINA ChirurgieDentaire Cabinet Dentaire EFFILA EBE n 57 62 24 I 22 20 35 74 2.2 23 51 39 CAMEROON Yaounde Anatole AFANE ELA Anesthesie- Reanimation SAMU H6pital Central 77 63 07 99/22 01 37 92 CAMEROON Yaounde Emile MBOUDOU Gynecologie- Obstetrique H6pital Gyneco- Obstetrique et Pediatrique 75295151 CAMEROON Yaounde Emman1.1elNOO TOLO Gynecologie- Obstetrique Fondation Medicale Maria RG>sa NSISIM . 77614085/22159428 CAMEROON Yaounde Alain Pa tricl< ME NANGA Cardiologie r Hopital General 99578497 CAMEROON Yaounde Pierre F rnandTCHOK 9TEU Obstetrique etPediatrique Hospital Pediatrique Therapique 99 93 15 73 CAMEROON Yaounde Serge EdouardM NTOUZO'O Ophtalmologie H6pital CNPS 22 20 5118/22 06 05 54 99 92 47 41/79 53 95 54 CAMEROON Yaounde MamoudaI

MISSION TITLE/POSITION FIRST NAME LAST NAME DUTY STATION EMAIL ADDRESS OFFICE PHONE NUMBER MOBILE PHONE NUMBER Chief Medical Officer Emmanuel Ghangha Port Au Prince 181-7154 +509 36235456 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Forced Medical Officer Deputy Force Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Lt Col Dr. Ouro-Bagna Tchagbele MHQ Laayoune, Western Sahara +066 108 1349 Deputy Force Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Sophia Oteng Bangui +236-75980028 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Mako Kovinic 5948 Force Medical Officer Col. S.M. Solaiman Bangui

Brigadier General Dr. Roberto Cohen Neurosurgeon +1202 - 2418077.

75982410 Deputy Force Medical Officer RITA NGONDI Degrando Emmanuelle Bangui 72674442 MINUSMA Chief Medical Officer Dr Samson Kanyili Mathiu Bamako 145-7566 (00223) 94 95 01 74 Deputy Medical Officer Dr Kouassi Rene Kouame Bamako 145-7735 (00223) 94 95 03 05 Force Medical Officer Babacar Ndao Bamako 145-7680 (00223) 94 95 08 69 Deputy Force Medical Officer LT COL ABALTOU Bawoubadi Bamako 145-6610 (00223) 94 95 08 70 Chief Medical Officer (acting) Tsegazeab Kassaye Goma 195-5796 (+243) 997068715 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Rajeeb Kumar Deo Goma 195-3182 (+243) 997068887 (+243) 810387005 Deputy Force Medical Officer Goma 195-3065 (+243) 829104845 Chief Medical Officer Bantar Tawe Kabul - UNOCA +(93) 728302065 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Deputy Force Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Ghazi Falah AL-KHIRISHEH Baghdad 166-2738 +964-7901942423 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Deputy Force Medical Officer UNITAMS Chief Medical Officer Mikael Tombo El Fashir 192 3209, 192 3915 912501994 Deputy Chief Medical Officer 199 3701 912501944 Force Medical Officer 199 3486 099 3907843 Deputy Force Medical Officer 192 47/92 124678105 Chief Medical Officer N/A Deputy Chief Medical Officer N/A Force Medical Officer Bhushan Kumar Rajbhandari Syria, Camp Faouar 5373 (00963) 9858009318 Deputy Force Medical Officer N/A Chief Medical Officer Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Gábor KOLONICS HQ, UNPA +357 99678209 Deputy Force Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Binod Kumar SHARMA UNIFIL +96170926968 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Owais Mahmood Siddiqui UNIFIL Deputy Force Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Djibo Hamidou Pristina 153-5302 +245966301055 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Ritulal Sharma Force Medical Officer Moohammed Kotb Abyei N/A Deputy Force Medical Officer N/A Chief Medical Officer Valbona Qirezi Pristina 153-4892 38344504080 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer N/A Deputy Force Medical Officer N/A UNMISS Chief Medical Officer Iqbal Mohd Juba, South Sudan 198-2224 211-912171999 UNDOF CMO/FMO (Updated 12/08/2022) UNISFA BINUH MINURSO MINUSCA MONUSCO UNAMA UNAMI UNFICYP UNIFIL UNMIK Deputy Medical Officer Ghulam Farooq Farooq Juba, South Sudan 198-7210 2.11912E+11 Force Medical Officer Elazizy Waleed Juba, South Sudan 198-7755 211-912380042 Deputy Force Medical Officer LtCol Fatema Zerin Khan Juba, South Sudan 198-7755 211-917597690 Chief Medical Officer Karam Jeet SINGH Tunis - TUNISIA Contact in Tunis: +216 97126115 Contact in Libya: +218 912220092 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Deputy Force Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Roberts Onebunne Mogadishu +252 612542168 +254 790206704 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Deputy Force Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Dhruba Koirala Jerusalem 972-2-5687570 +972-546667919 Deputy Chief Medical Officer N/A Force Medical Officer N/A Deputy Force Medical Officer N/A Chief Medical Officer Jaime Pedraza Colombia +57- 30177211969 Deputy Chief Medical Officer Force Medical Officer Deputy Force Medical Officer UNSOS/UNSOA UNTSO UNVMC UNSMIL


Ligue: USA (1202) 2410191. Whatsapp: (71) 987019964.

Israel : (972) 054 7522093.

Registro Federal no Departamento de Estado dos USA:

Document Number: N17000009263. FEI/EIN NUMBER: 81-5353074. 88-3990089.

Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) CNPJ: 04.096.431/0001-54.

Registro Federal Governamental nos USA FEI/EIN NUMBER 93-2461653. 

93-2461167. 99-3991934.

Escritorio das Nações Unidas de Serviços Para Projetos | Unops

CNPJ: 20.088.478/0001-22 [ MATRIZ ]

CNPJ: 42.378.137/0001-24.

99.00-8-00 - Organismos internacionais e outras instituições extraterritoriais

Representação Humanitária no Brasil

Setor de Embaixadas Norte, 19
Estados Unidos da América.






Aunipi South America Brazil American Association Of United Nation Intergovernmental Peacekeeping - 51.582.543/0001-03.

Razão Social: Aunipi South America Brazil American Association Of United Nation Intergovernmental Peacekeeping

Nome Fantasia: Aunipi

Data da Abertura: 27/07/2023 1 ano, 3 meses e 17 dias

Porte: Sem Enquadramento

Natureza Jurídica: Associação Privada

Opção pelo MEI: Não

Tipo: Matriz

Situação: Ativa

Data Situação Cadastral: 27/07/2023

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