United Nations Peacekeeping Forces Mission
Note: We support and give full support to our beloved State of Israel and our beloved American homeland USA, in the fight against terrorism from countries that try to implement their unjust laws against humanity, and against the terrorist policy of the UN. May God bless America and the State of Israel.
Obs: Apoiamos e damos total suporte ao nosso amado Estado de Israel e a Nossa Amada Patria Americana USA, na luta contra o terrorismo dos Países que tentam implantar suas injustas leis contra a humanidade, e contra a politica terrorista da UN. Que Deus Abençoe América e o Estado de Israel.

Continent Country of Duty Station City/Location of Duty Station Organisation Type DELEGATED AUTHORITY Position Title Incumbent First Name Incumbent Last Name Email Additional Email Phone Additional Phone Fax Address Asia Bangladesh Dhaka UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Sharif Ahmed KAUKAB sharif.kaukab@undp.org unclinic.dhaka@undp.org + 88 01713032083 + 880 2 55667788 Ext: 8001 +880 291 83101 UNDP Office, IDB Bhaban - 8th floor, E/8- A, IDB Bhaban(8th Floor), Shar-E-Bangla Nagar, Agargoan Asia Bangladesh Dhaka UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor June GOMES june.gomes@undp.org +8801701202865 +880255667788 +880 291 83101 UNDP Office, IDB Bhaban - 8th floor, E/8- A, IDB Bhaban(8th Floor), Shar-E-Bangla Nagar, Agargoan Africa Benin Cotonou UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Eudoxie HOUNTONDJI eudoxie.hountondji-assah@undp.org UNClinicCotonou@undp.org +22921316363 S/C UNDP OFFICE IN COTONOU ZONE RESIDENTIELLE LOT N°111 01BP 506 COTONOU Africa Burkina Faso Ouagadougou UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Nouhoune MAIGA nouhoune.maiga@undp.org unclinic.burkina@undp.org +226 25306762/63/64 +226 75870075 +226 25310470 United Nations Building, Koulouba (secteur 4) 01 BP 575 Ouagadougou 01 - Burkina Faso Africa Burundi Bujumbura UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Michel OGOU michel.ogou@undp.org UNClinicBujumbura@undp.org +257 22 30 12 70 +257 79 021000/76444222 +257 215 383 Rohero 1 Avenue de la Democratie, UNDP compound Africa Burundi Ngozi UNDP UN Clinic Contact Dr. Ogou Africa Burundi Gitega UNDP UN Clinic Contact Dr. Ogou Africa Burundi Makamba UNDP UN Clinic Contact Dr. Ogou Africa Cameroon Yaounde UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Ahmet SECKA ahmet.secka@one.un.org +237672115248 C/O UNDP , N° 1232 Mellopolis Building 1794 Rue Ekoudou, Bastos Po Box : 836 Yaoundé- Cameroun. Africa Cape Verde Praia UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Irenita Fortes Figueiredo SOARES irenita.soares@cv.jo.un.org un.clinicpraia@one.un.org +62 812 64348424 +238-992-4443 or +238 2621957 +238 621 352 United Nations Building, Achada de Santo Antonio Africa Central African Republic Bangui UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Abakar ADOUM abakar.adoum@undp.org unclinic.caf@undp.org +236 755 01271 +236 725 01271 +23670171763 +236 216 10556 Bangui, avenue KONGO WARA , 36 villas, Central African Republic Africa Chad N'djamena UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Roger RAKOTOMANGA liva.rakotomanga@undp.org unclinic.ndjamena@undp.org +235 6 2900667 +235 251 8412 UNDP Compound - Avenue du Colonel d' Ornano, BP 906 Africa Comoros Moroni UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Tasnim ABDOU tasnim.abdou@undp.org +2693438034 +269 773 1577 UNDP Compound Africa Congo Brazzaville UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Antoine MOUBOUHA antoine.moubouha@one.un.org unclinicbrazzaville@undp.org +242 06 660 85 76/066677599 +242 06 875 00 64/ 06 601 20 61/ 05 330 04 96 +242 281 1679 UNDP Compound, P.O. Box 465, Angle Avenue Foch/Rue Behagle Africa DR Congo Kinshasa UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Jean Pierre KANYUKA jean-pierre.kanyuka@undp.org +243 810 521 811 +243 998 267 974 +243 884 3675 UNDP Compound, Kasai Building UN Medical Services Global Directory of UN Clinics (as of August 2022) Africa Eritrea Asmara UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Almaz ZERAI almaz.zerai@undp.org +291 115 1166 Ext 229 +291 720 7819(M) 2917207819 +291 115 1550 or +291 115 1081 UNDP Compound - 5 Hday Street, P.O. Box 5366 Africa Gambia Banjul UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Dolly THOMPSON dolly.thompson@undp.org 2203359990 or 2204494772 Africa Ghana Accra UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Abanda TUECHE abanda.tueche@one.un.org unclinic.accra@undp.org +233 302 215670 Ext 5680 +233 501 510036 +233 217 73899 UNDP Compound Africa Guinea Conakry UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Mohamed FOFANA mohamed.fofana@undp.org UNClinicConakry@undp.org "+224 662 682 097" +226 332 746 Clinique des Nations Unies, Commune de Dixinn, Quartier Minière, BP 222 Africa Guinea Conakry UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Doumbouya ABDOURAHAMANE abdourahamane.doumbouya@undp.org "+224 662 682 097" Clinique des Nations Unies, Commune de Dixinn, Quartier Minière, BP 222 Africa Guinea Bissau Bissau UNDP UN Joint Medical Services YES UN Doctor Albino NANADJE albino.nanadje@undp.org UNClinicBissau@undp.org Tel: +245 966006550 or 966777700 Rua Rui Djassi - BP 179, 1011 Bissau Codex. Asia Korea DPRK Pyong Yang UNDP UN Clinic STATUS OF THE CLINIC INACTIVE (as of March 23 2022) 8502 3817301 Ext 237 850 1912500624 +8502 381 7639 21, Munsudong, Diplomatic Compound Asia Kyrgyzstan Bishkek UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Kalysbubu Dzhumabaeva kalysbubu.dzhumabaeva@undp.org "+996 550 555 209; +996 772 111 622 UN medical cabinet address: 34, Tabyshalieva Street Asia Lao PDR Vientiane UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Erin YOUNG erin.young@one.un.org Land Line (856-21) 267 789 (856-20) 5559 9292 +8562 126 7799 (UNDP) +8562 126 4947 (direct) c/o UNDP, Lane Xang Avenue, PO Box 345, Vientaine, Lao PDR Africa Liberia Monrovia UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Filmon Haile BERAKI Filmon.Beraki@undp.org UNClinicMonrovia@undp.org. "+231 77 000 3775 ; +231 77 000 3845; +231 77 000 3840 +231 205 407 127 One UN House, 1st St Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Africa Liberia Monrovia UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Mohammed KAMARA mohammed.kamara@undp.org UNClinicMonrovia@undp.org. "+231 77 000 3775 231 77 000 3845; +231 77 000 3840 +231 205 407 127 One UN House, 1st St Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Africa Madagascar Antanarivo UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Ramanantsoa MIHARITIANA miharitiana.ramanantsoa@undp.org UN Clinic Madagascar@undp.org +261 20 22 537 37 or +261 20 23 300 93 Ext 1081 +2261 32 11 00 563 (M) +261 202 3366 43 Andraharo zone "ARIANE V", rue Dr. Raseta Africa Mali Bamako UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Eric LOWE eric.lowe@undp.org +22366758321 or +22391399032 +223 20220181 223 202 38294 UNDP Compound - Badalabougou - PNUD bamako MALI BP 119 Africa Mali Bamako UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Juste Marcel QUENUM Juste-Marcel.Quenum@undp.org +22366758321 or +22391399032 +223 20220181 223 202 38294 UNDP Compound - Badalabougou - PNUD bamako MALI BP 119 Asia Myanmar Yangon UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Hnin Lwin TUN hnin.lwin.tun@undp.org unclinic.myanmar@undp.org (+95) 9 261390730 +952 545 634 +951 544 531 No.6, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon Myanmar Africa Niger Niamey UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Maman Laoual GARBA dispensaire.ne@undp.org maman.laoual.garba@undp.org +227 91 20 83 57 +227 207 22829 +227 723 630 / 735 854 Quartier Plateau, Avenue du Fleuve Niger, Rue du Damergou, BP 11207, Niamey Niger Africa Nigeria Abuja UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Ryan CANLAS ryan.canlas@undp.org unclinic.abuja@undp.org +234 803 4022095 +234 094 618546 or +234 094 618507 or +234 094 618527 UN House, Plot 617/618 Central Area District, PMB 2851, Garki - Abuja Africa Nigeria Maiduguri UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Nkechi AGOSAAH nkechi.agosaah@undp.org undoctor.ng@undp.org + 234 902 8558095 IOM CAMP Red-Roof, Mala Kachala House, Jamina road, Bulumkutu - Maiduguri. Africa Rwanda Kigali UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Rodrigue KENMOGNE Recruitment on-going in the meantime for contact: Dr. Rodrigue Kenmogne , Marcel Baziruwiha , marcel.baziruwiha@undp.org , rodrique.kenmogne@one.un.org rodriguekenmogne@gmail.com 250788507833 +250 252 575708 KG 28 Avenue, Kimihurura House Number 19 P.O Box 445, Kigali-Rwanda, P.O. Box 445 Africa Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Nadja CRAVID nadja.cravid@undp.org unclinic.st@undp.org +239 2221122 or +239 988 9440 +239 222 2198 or 222 2192 UN House - Ground floor Africa Sierra Leone Free Town UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Moses KIWANUKA moses.kiwanuka@undp.org freetownunclinic@undp.org +232-76-692815 (Hotline) 233 76 692815 or 233 22 233463 9 Ibrahim D Antar Driver, off Spur Road Africa Sierra Leone Free Town UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Lyesatta KAMARA Iyesatta.kamara@undp.org +232-76-692815 (Hotline) 235 76 692815 9 Ibrahim D Antar Driver, off Spur Road Africa Sierra Leone Free Town UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Merilyn PALMER merilyn.palmer@undp.org +232-76-692815 (Hotline) +232 222 33075 9 Ibrahim D Antar Driver, off Spur Road Africa Somalia Bossaso UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Leila MIREMBE leila.mirembe@undp.org unclinic.bossaso@undp.org +252906799429 WFP COMPOUND BOSSASO Africa Somalia Dollow UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Tenzin CHADOR chador.tenzin@undp.org unclinic.dollow@undp.org 2.52612E+11 WFP COMPOUND DOLLOW Africa Somalia Galkayo UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Princess Ansa EDET princess.edet@undp.org unclinic.galkayo@undp.org 907794954 UNHCR COMPOUND GALKAYO Africa Somalia Hargiesa UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Recruiting Recruiting unclinic.hargeisa@undp.org 252 63400-0097 UN COMMON COMPOUND HARGEISA Africa Somalia Hargiesa UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor (OIC ) Sidibe MADANI sidibe.madani@undp.org unclinic.hargeisa@undp.org 252 63400-0097 UN COMMON COMPOUND HARGEISA Africa Somalia Mogadishu UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Clinic Nurse Mohamed NUR mohamed.nur@undp.org unclinic.mogadishu@undp.org 615562044 +254 204 183641 (Nairobi) +252 121 6111 or 858298 (Mogadishu) +252 615 571765 UNCC- Off Airport Road MogadishuSomalia Africa Sudan Khartoum UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Iman ATALLA iman.atalla@undp.org +249 187 121301 +249 912 304070 +249 183 773 128 or +249 183 783764 UNDP Compound – Gamma'a Avenue Africa Sudan Khartoum UNDP UN Clinic NO UN Doctor Abubakr SAIDAHMED abubakr.saidahmed@undp.org +249187121304+2499123 30831 249 183 77 3128 UNDP Compound – Gamma'a Avenue Africa Sudan (South) Juba UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Neelam KHAN neelam.khan@undp.org +211 954 972 366 +250 927 129 7211 or +249 907277341 or +249 811 20146 +249 811 820146 White Nile, Airport Road, PO Box 410, Juba, South Sudan Africa Sudan (South) Juba UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor David Bernard bernard.david@undp.org +211 954 972 366 +250 927 129 7211 or +249 907277341 or +249 811 20146 White Nile, Airport Road, PO Box 410, Juba, South Sudan Africa Tanzania Kasulu UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Alexander MIHONYE alexander.mihonye@undp.org unclinic.tz@one.un.org +255 784 442299 or +255 754 305454 +255 028 284497 UNHCR Compound, Mlimani road, Kasulu Africa Uganda Kampala UNDP UN Clinic NO SMO Teferi DESTA teferi.desta@one.un.org +256 770 300 0000 +256 414 254845 or 344801 or 230710 Plot 4, Moyo Close, Kololo Off Prince Charles Drive P.O. Box 7184 Africa Uganda Kampala UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Simon EMURON simon.emuron@undp.org +256 71 600 5164 or +256 312 320 111 or +256 312 320 113 +256 414 254845 or 344801 or 230710 Plot 4, Moyo Close, Kololo Off Prince Charles Drive P.O. Box 7184 Asia Yemen Aden UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Florence FONGANG florence.fongang@undp.org +967-739111269 UN Enclave, Embassies Area Khormaksar, Aden Asia Yemen Aden UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Hashed KHALED hashed.khaled@undp.org +967-739111251 UN Enclave, Embassies Area Khormaksar, Aden Asia Yemen Hodeidah UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Mohammed NASHER mohammed.nasher@undp.org +967-739111252 WFP Compound, Hodeidah. Asia Yemen Ibb UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Yassin GHALEB yassin.ghaleb@undp.org "+967-712 220446" Thirty Street / Ibb city, WFP COMPOUND Asia Yemen Marib UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Adham ALSHAYEF adham.alshayef@undp.org "+967-739111272 or +967771219390 Al-Kardaei Square, Louvre Hotel, Marib Asia Yemen Mukalla UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Abdulrohman SAEED abdulrohman.jrwan@undp.org "+967-739111265 or 772273196" Ramada Hotel, Mukalla Asia Yemen Sa'adah UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Ibrahim ALI ibrahim.abduh@undp.org "+967-712221424 UNICEF compound, Sa'adah Asia Yemen Sana'a UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Doudou FALL doudou.fall@undp.org "+967-739111250, +967- 712222406" UN clinic Villa , Hadda Street, UNCAF clinic Asia Yemen Sana'a UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Mohammad ABDULMOGHNI mohammed.abdulmoghni@undp.org "+967-739111250, +967- 712222406" UN clinic Villa , Hadda Street, UNCAF clinic Africa Zambia Lusaka UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Christopher KAWESHA christopher.kawesha@undp.org unclinic.lusaka@one.un.org +260 977 771364(M) +260 211 250800 or +260 977 771364 or 251172-4 or 251201 or 251195 +260 211 253585 Plot 9345 - Alick Nkhata Road, P.O. Box 31966 Africa Zimbabwe Harare UNDP UN Clinic YES UN Doctor Michael TEKOU michael.fodouop.tekou@undp.org UnclinicHarare@undp.org General line:+(263 242) 338836-44 Direct line:+(263 242) 338774 +(263 242) 338774 Building 11 ,Arundel office park Norfolk Road, Mt Pleasant, PO Box 4775 Harare - Zimbabwe